This week I have been adding code, to check if the next stage is unlocked, as well as setting up the Unity user interface elements, for the animating StageUnlocked GUI. I then created some unlocking and swishing sound effects, that play during unlock animations. They actually sound good enough to keep, just need some balancing.
I also added a DelayedSoundFX coroutine in the GameManager script, I found this one online, and it’s very handy for adding sounds that need a delay, for example, to match an animation.
public IEnumerator DelayedSoundFX(AudioClip clip, float delay)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
audioSource.PlayOneShot(clip, volumeSounds);
Spending some time in Production-mode too, listing tasks to be completed, including Programming, Game Design, Art, Sound, Bugs and Documentation, so I can systematically work through each task, and avoid feature-creep.
Programming, sound, production… Did I do any Art? Funny you ask.
As I find that I am the most inspired to program or design, earlier in the day, when my head is fresh, it is quiet and I have minimal interruptions, I save my less concentration-intensive tasks such as 3d modeling or uv-mapping, for times when I am less focused, or when the house is noisier, and I can zone out with a podcast or some tunes.
So I spent a few hours, modeling the moon crater mesh for my target game-objects to animate in, and then uv-mapped it for horizontal tiling, so the model uses the pixel detail the most efficiently. The texture is a placeholder at thee moment. I added the mesh in the MainMenu, so it’s ready for some pretty texturing, when the artistic mood strikes.