This week I added breakable armour to the Boss target. It breaks after a number of hits, and has different hit placeholder vfx and sfx. Away from the computer, I drew some concept art to represent the armour components, and had a think about how to implement the armour into the game. I decided, the… Continue reading 10. Boss Armour and Main Menu Targets
Tag: devlog
9. Boss Target Added and Playtesting
So, the whole purpose of making this game demo, is just to make something solo using Unity. While, it’s one thing to work as part of a team and point to assets I built, or show footage of levels I contributed to, it doesn’t tell a story nearly as much as giving somebody a playable… Continue reading 9. Boss Target Added and Playtesting
8. Avoid Hit FX and Debug Functions
So, what’s new this week? I spent some time building debug functions. I created a Target Estimator, accurately estimating the number of targets required, when changing stage data. Another function, Shows or Hides Helper Objects. Also added some code refinement, regarding my randomly generated array functions, ensuring that code has an exit condition, to prevent… Continue reading 8. Avoid Hit FX and Debug Functions
7. Multiple Targets and Custom Inspectors
The plan for this week was simply to aim at getting my Single and Multiple targets working in the game, and then ensure avoid and bonus targets were distributing across my stages, using my inspector settings. I created new code that generated target arrays for containing the data required to make this work. I use… Continue reading 7. Multiple Targets and Custom Inspectors
6. Score Display, Paper Design and More Bugs
Last Sunday, I added some placeholder sounds for the Level Complete animations. I would have liked to get it in before the last Devblog, but I want to post consistently each Saturday night, and well, it didn’t make the build, so to speak. Fixed a bug, which occurred while instantiating a target, close to the… Continue reading 6. Score Display, Paper Design and More Bugs
5. Level Complete and Score Anims
With Stage Unlocking now working, this week I switched to design mode, and added code and components to implement a score display on the Level Complete canvas, enabled at game over. On this display, I added basic achievements earned, and the score applied for these achievements, and the final score. Initially, I built quite a… Continue reading 5. Level Complete and Score Anims
4. Bug Fixes and Persistent Data
Last week, I introduced a bug regarding target animation. So this week I added new code, to allow targets to descend immediately when hit, or when the target idle time is over. Using the Ienumerator WaitUntil function and function bools, this bug fix helped increase the pace of the game play, enabling more targets to… Continue reading 4. Bug Fixes and Persistent Data
3. Placeholder meshes and target variants
Continuing towards the Stage Unlock goal, I have deviated slightly to include the addition of visual features, like unique placeholder environment set-meshes that change for each stage. I have just used placeholder sets for now, so I can see the changes occurring, but finished art for stages will replace these during the art pass. Testing… Continue reading 3. Placeholder meshes and target variants
2. Stage Unlocks
This week I have been adding code, to check if the next stage is unlocked, as well as setting up the Unity user interface elements, for the animating StageUnlocked GUI. I then created some unlocking and swishing sound effects, that play during unlock animations. They actually sound good enough to keep, just need some balancing.… Continue reading 2. Stage Unlocks
1. Started a DevBlog
A beautiful, sunny day and I am inside refactoring code, to point to my new StageManager script. When I began working on the prototype, the goal was just about getting one stage of the game working. Confident that I know how the game will operate, I am returning to areas such as the Stages system,… Continue reading 1. Started a DevBlog